Birinci sınıf malzemelerle hazırlanmış, trans yağ, GDO ve yapay renklendiricilerden arındırılmış, besleyici ve suçluluk duygusu yaratmayan bir lezzet.
Discover Our Best Product—crafted for quality and performance. Upgrade your experience with innovation you can trust.
Richcorn was founded in 2021 as the brand of Four H Foreign Trade Limited Company. Due to global research, producti on process visits and training and innovations received from foreign chefs started it’s activities in our country.
In 2023, it strengthened its global power with oil-free production by commissioning the Air Popped producti on line, which produces world-class products and is completely equipped with the latest technology.
Richcorn Mushroom Popcorn, made from non-GMO corn and popped without oil, solely under high pressure, is a perfect snack for individuals who prioritize both flavor and health, containing ZERO TRANS FAT.
Experience this enjoyable and light snack that will bring joy to you and your loved ones with its natural ingredients and delicious flavor!
Its goal is to offer consumers distinctive and nutritious snack options.
Premium ingredients are used to create gourmet delicacies.
Global research presents unique recipes crafted by skilled chefs and engineers.
It pioneers the popcorn industry.
Richcorn provides an opportunity to savor delightful moments while promoting a healthy lifestyle through our product selection.
Get free shipping on purchases of 500 TL and above!
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